Egg Substitutions

When substituting eggs in a recipe, there are several options.  My favorite substitutions are flax gel, Ener-G Egg Replacer and coconut oil.  It takes a little trial and error but you can do it.  Just take notes on your recipes and before you know it you will be leaping with joy when you get your favorite recipe to turn out.  I attempted our favorite Banana Bread many times before I tried using coconut oil.  But when I did, I was ecstatic!  It tasted exactly like it did back when we used eggs and wheat.  I couldn't wait to share the news.  So be adventurous, don't be afraid to try!

Flax Gel

To make flax gel, simply whisk together 1 T ground flax seeds with 3 T warm water.  Let it sit for about 10 minutes.  If you are making a recipe with this, just start with this before you begin the recipe.  That way when you get to the eggs, your flax gel will be tacky like an egg and ready to go.


Ener-G Egg Replacer

I just follow the instructions on the box for Ener-G Egg Replacer.  This is product is free from gluten, wheat, casein, dairy, yeast, egg and soy.

1 egg = 1 1/2 tsp dry Egg Replacer plus 2 tbsp water
1 egg white = 1 1/2 tsp dry Egg Replacer plus 2 tbsp water
1 egg yolk = 1 1/2 tsp dry Egg Replacer plus 1 tbsp water

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil works wonderfully in baked goods like quick bread, muffins and cakes.  To substitute 2 eggs, I use 1/4 c coconut oil and add/increase the baking powder 1 1/2 t.  Decrease baking soda in half.   Be sure to melt the coconut oil first before you measure it.

** If you would like more ideas, go to



Welcome to Hopes Kitchen. I hope you find these recipes helpful. Our family eats free of gluten, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, kiwi and artificial food coloring due to food allergies. I would like to share with you what I've learned over the years to help you on your journey and help you find some hope again in your kitchen.